For an incredible 20 million years, bilbies have scurried and burrowed this great land – digging their burrows and rearing their joeys.


But the last 200 years have seen a catastrophic decline in their numbers with the introduction of non-native predators and a huge loss of habitat.


We don’t want this Christmas to be one of the bilbies’ last. That’s why survival is top of their Christmas list.

By donating, you can join other bilby lovers who are committed to saving this tough little battler – this iconic and adorable marsupial that has captured the hearts and minds of Australians for generations. You’ll help fund urgent conservation work that builds on the amazing foundations we’ve built and successes we’ve had over the last few years.


That includes everything from erecting the 28km2 predator exclusion fence at Currawinya National Park, to testing poop samples and building a picture of the genetic diversity of bilbies in the wild and in reserves.

Your gift this Christmas will help us take enormous strides in achieving our goal of having an insurance population of 10,000 bilbies, living safely and protected in managed sanctuaries across Australia, and helping wild bilby populations proliferate again in the wild.


But what about the juicy mealworms, crispy locusts and sweet potatoes? After you donate, you’ll go through to a page where you can vote on which snack our furry marsupial friends will get this Christmas!


Please help give our little battlers the Christmas gift they need and deserve.

We'll email your tax receipt and donation details

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$0 raised$103,000 goal

Our little battler is hanging on.

This Christmas, please support vital conservation work to grow bilby numbers.

1935 was the Tasmanian Tiger’s last Christmas. We can’t ever let the bilby suffer the same fate.

When you donate, choose a tasty treat for the bilbies this Christmas –

mealworms, locusts or sweet potatoes!

At Save the Bilby Fund (ABN: 43 112 980 373), we use the GiveEasy platform so your donations are secure. If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch via 0447 826 931 or via email

$0 raised$103,000 goal

We'll email your tax receipt and donation details

Your donation is secure and protected.

For an incredible 20 million years, bilbies have scurried and burrowed this great land – digging their burrows and rearing their joeys.


But the last 200 years have seen a catastrophic decline in their numbers with the introduction of non-native predators and a huge loss of habitat.


We don’t want this Christmas to be one of the bilbies’ last. That’s why survival is top of their Christmas list.

By donating, you can join other bilby lovers who are committed to saving this tough little battler – this iconic and adorable marsupial that has captured the hearts and minds of Australians for generations. You’ll help fund urgent conservation work that builds on the amazing foundations we’ve built and successes we’ve had over the last few years.


That includes everything from erecting the 28km2 predator exclusion fence at Currawinya National Park, to testing poop samples and building a picture of the genetic diversity of bilbies in the wild and in reserves.

Your gift this Christmas will help us take enormous strides in achieving our goal of having an insurance population of 10,000 bilbies, living safely and protected in managed sanctuaries across Australia, and helping wild bilby populations proliferate again in the wild.


But what about the mealworms? When you donate, you’ll go through to a page where you can vote on which snack our furry marsupial friends will get this Christmas.


Please help give our little battlers the Christmas gift they need and deserve.

For an incredible 20 million years, bilbies have scurried and burrowed this great land – digging their burrows and rearing their joeys.


But the last 200 years have seen a catastrophic decline in their numbers with the introduction of non-native predators and a huge loss of habitat.


We don’t want this Christmas to be one of the bilbies’ last. That’s why survival is top of their Christmas list.

By donating, you can join other bilby lovers who are committed to saving this tough little battler – this iconic and adorable marsupial that has captured the hearts and minds of Australians for generations. You’ll help fund urgent conservation work that builds on the amazing foundations we’ve built and successes we’ve had over the last few years.


That includes everything from erecting the 28km2 predator exclusion fence at Currawinya National Park, to testing poop samples and building a picture of the genetic diversity of bilbies in the wild and in reserves.

Your gift this Christmas will help us take enormous strides in achieving our goal of having an insurance population of 10,000 bilbies, living safely and protected in managed sanctuaries across Australia, and helping wild bilby populations proliferate again in the wild.


But what about the juicy mealworms, crispy locusts and sweet potatoes? After you donate, you’ll go through to a page where you can vote on which snack our furry marsupial friends will get this Christmas!


Please help give our little battlers the Christmas gift they need and deserve.






















Our little battler is hanging on.

This Christmas, please support vital conservation work to grow bilby numbers.

1935 was the Tasmanian Tiger’s last Christmas. We can’t ever let the bilby suffer the same fate.

When you donate, choose a tasty treat for the bilbies this Christmas –

mealworms, locusts or sweet potatoes!

At Save the Bilby Fund (ABN: 43 112 980 373), we use the GiveEasy platform so your donations are secure. If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch via 0447 826 931 or via email

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